Building Scheduler

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Building Scheduler

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The building scheduler is NOT responsible for scheduling ANY ward or stake activities. Ward leaders should schedule their own activities using the calendars on Ward clerks can provide the required access to any ward member who needs to schedule activities. When ward leaders schedule activities, they should also reserve rooms for their activities. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The building scheduler works under the direction of the agent bishop and fulfills responsibilities assigned by the agent bishop as outlined below:

Scheduling non-ward/non-stake activities

  • Weddings
  • Wedding receptions
  • Funerals
  • Community events (e.g. soccer referee training)
  • School events (e.g. band banquet)

Help coordinate activities between wards

  • Manage rotating access to specific rooms (e.g. cultural hall rotation on activity nights)
  • Provide contact information when scheduling conflicts arise
  • Communicate to agent bishop when parties cannot agree on resolution to conflict

Handbook references

Handbook 2: Chapter 21, section 21.2

Other references

Calendar overview

Building Scheduler

Priesthood leader

Assigned Agent Bishop

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